
The Mediterranean Sea faces an environmental crisis as 229,000 tons of plastic waste are dumped ...
One of the main objectives of the HEurope SeaClear 2.0 is to help create an ocean literate ...
The fourth edition of the International workshop “Marine Litter Monitoring, Removal and ...
We are happy to share that Venice Lagoon Plastic Free (VLPF) is now an official stakeholder of ...
Last week, the Venice Lagoon Plastic Free team participated in the forth General Meeting of the ...
In collaboration with WWF and as part of the European project Remedies and the EU Mission ...
One of the recent scientific papers developed in the framework of the In No Plastic project has ...
Venice Lagoon Plastic Free, as a partner of the Remedies project, is delighted to announce the ...
The final event of the InNoPlastic (InNovative approaches towards Prevention, removal, and ...