
On Wednesday 9th March, our team were invited out to the lush, untouched island of Lazzaretto ...
HORIZON Magazine, the EU Research & Innovation publication, has recently published an ...
On Friday, January 14, Italian Legislative Decree 196/2021 to prevent and reduce the impact of ...
The association has detected massive macroplastic pollution deriving from fishing activities on ...
New water sampling activities were conducted to understand the presence and the types of ...
The new IN-NO-PLASTIC survey on marine litter is officially online! Do you think you know ...
Fossil Group’s motto is “Make Time for Good”. The company’s staff joined VENICE LAGOON PLASTIC ...
On the occasion of the World Cleanup Day, on September 18 and 19, 2021, Venice Lagoon Plastic ...
The H2020 InNoPlastic project has warmly welcomed the scientific liaison efforts provided by ...